Sunday, November 22, 2020

Hair care during a Pandemic!


Haircare during a Pandemic! 

Its been crazy trying to figure out how to style your hair without being able to make regular trips to the beautician. Clip-Ins are a convenient, cost-effective, and simple way to get a new look quickly with relatively low maintenance. Whether you are a busy essential worker or stay at home mom, its always makes the day go smoother when you can get up and go in the morning quickly.  Using clip-ins can easily shave off at least 30 minutes off your morning routine. I used clipins by Anrosa. 

brand in 2 different colors that are close in shade to blend better with my natural hair.  The other benefits of using clip-ins rather than sewn-in weaves include allowing a way to care for your hair underneath as well as your leave out hair easier. I regularly use shea moisture

retention conditioner and shampoo and African Pride Moisture Miracle for my hot oil treatment using the Hot Shot Tools by Gold N Hot heat cap

.  I hope this helps someone, we’re all in this together.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Celebrating Christmas and Hanukkah

 As the holidays are closely approaching, I came across a touching note about bringing people of different faiths together to celebrate.We all share something without really knowing it but instead of focusing on the commonality we focus on differences. I thought a lot about this because just before Covid started I attended a couple of services at a Jewish Temple and the spirit that I felt there was kind and oddly enough not unfamiliar.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

 Not one Sistah 

Here we go again. This demonstrates that black men continue to reject black women. Its time for black women to exercise their options. During my research for my book, I discovered that aa men engage in interracial dating more than 3 times as much as black women, yet we continue to support these men. Moreover, what does it say when so many high profile black men are shown in these relationships in the media? We're telling our young girls they're beautiful, but these men are sending a very different message. In my book, there's a character, "High Profile"....concerned about having an trophy/ice-princess on his arm, or "Mr. Chocolate Wonder"...preoccupied with his own skin complexion, and wonders what it would be like to be with a white girl.....

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Celebrities who abuse their platforms rather than make a positive difference

 I am sick and tired of celebrities using their platforms to wreak havoc on the world. Mr. Ice Cube has proven that he is obviously not concerned with the problems with everyday people such as student loans, quality/affordable healthcare, mortgage debt, unemployment, and poverty just to name a few. Regardless of what happens he will be just fine. I think its pretty selfish and wreckless to cause damage that will harm others in one way or another. Rather than harming others how about using your celebrity platform to improve the lives of others, for example, Steve Harvey runs a camp which teaches young men about manhood, LeBron James adopted a school in Cleveland and has already proven to have a positive impact on children of color at that school. This wreckless behavior must stop, we already have enough things working against our community. we don't need people especially from within the community adding to the problems.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Black Women in a Cat Fight? Where's the dignity?

 After watching this episode of, RHOP, I was absolutely disgusted by the behavior displayed in that winery.  Furthermore, I was disappointed to hear Monique, tell her husband, "I don't care about the image" when he told her that the fight was a despicable image to put forward. Monique's attitude is the problem with some of these reality shows. As black women we already get a bad rap for being loud,combative etc. We need to present ourselves in a professional manner instead of tearing each other down and getting involved in physical/mental altercations.  While Gizelle says that "we have been able to keep ourselves above the stereotype and in five minutes she took it away", the responsibility also falls on the rest of the cast as well in projecting positive images. I personally, would like to see the ladies get involved in more charity events and show a balance to some of the catty behavior displayed on the show.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Can we please act like ladies?

Can we please act like ladies? After watching this episode, I felt compelled to comment. I and many others have gone to great lengths to lift up African-American women. I was disheartened to hear Sheree drag Nene about when she couldn't afford her car payment and needed severe dental work. Instead she should be happy for her that she made it. In my book, there's a character, "Pissed-off Paula" "You know her, she's always walking around with a frown on her face, just waiting to snap at someone for the tiniest matter....mad at the world" Perhaps Sheree is a pissed-off Paula.
Check out my book on Amazon. "Why Every Black Woman Should Marry A Jewish Man. #interracialdating

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Beyonce Explains ‘Brown Skin Girl’, ‘MOOD 4 EVA’ From ‘The Gift’ - But is there more that should be said???

Beyonce Explains ‘Brown Skin Girl’, ‘MOOD 4 EVA’ From ‘The Gift’
I agree with Beyonce, fathers should encourage their daughters to feel confident and love the skin they're in. But with that said I think as a community we need to address the negative messages that little black girls receive when we see so many high-profile African-American men coupled with caucasian/etc. women. In my book, Why Every Black Woman Should Marry A Jewish Man, I emphasize the importance of loving the skin you're in in the chapter, "HoneyBrowne"

Friday, February 7, 2020

The disappointments of Dating as a Black Woman

Its a shame that in 2020 we are still at this point. I am tired of Black women having conversations like this. We are desirable and its time that we appreciate ourselves and date men who love us instead of chasing men who are clearly not interested in dating black women. In my book, the chapter HoneyBrowne is about realizing all the beauty in black women.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Black Women not viewed as Beautiful yet Again

Ari Lennox is absolutely correct, why are people so comfortable tearing down black women but not women from other races? My chapter entitled "HoneyBrowne" is dedicated to uplifting black women and seeing the vibrant spectrum of beauty of us. It's sad that in this day and age that the standard of beauty remains Eurocentric and that notion has spilled over into the African-American community. We get enough criticism from society and the media, we shouldn't be doing that to each other. Here's an excerpt from my chapter, "HoneyBrowne"  On a personal note, when the public tears down black men, black women always come to defend them, but sadly we don't see that reciprocated when the roles are reversed.  As a black man, journalist, K Austin Collins, should be ashamed of disrespecting black women. I'm sure we wouldn't want someone saying these things about his mother or sister.