Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Patrick Patterson's Ridiculous Bulldog comment about Black Women

Ok, setting aside the fact that the moderator of this particular you tube video is also a black male married to a non-black woman. Patrick Patterson was out of line calling black women bulldogs. Its time for black women to move on and be treated like the queens and princesses  that we are. This is a man who obviously has chosen against black women rather than choosing someone he is compatible with. He’s probably the type of black man who refuses to date black women because he has issues with us, but that’s vastly different than someone approaching dating to find compatibility rather than go out of their way to date something other than his own culture.For example: had he said this is someone who is a great match for me then I don’t think he would be facing the backlash and controversy. It’s sad that there are some black men who approach dating this way, in fact according to the Bureau of Statistics, black men actually engage in interracial dating more than 3 times as much as black women and this is not the first time that I have heard black men say they are approaching dating this way. I have chosen to be loved and appreciated. In my book, there’s a chapter, HoneyBrowne, this chapter is about the appreciation of black women. “HoneyBrowne is super-sweet, smooth, upscale, but not condescending. She walks with grace as she glides by with a smile on her face, confident in who she is.”

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Beautiful Black Women With White Soulmates

This was a joy to watch! Everyone should have a right to love freely. The people who criticize interracial dating are often either not happy in their own relationships or are racist or have biases against other people. Unfortunately as black women we allow notions from the civil rights era to prevent us from viewing interracial relationships in a positive way.Of course black men have been affected from this same past but that has not stopped them from dating white women and other non-black women. In fact black men engage in interracial dating more than 3 times as much as black women. Look it's time for black women to explore all their options in the dating world.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Chris Brown and the Men Who Think We're Ugly (How Black Men Benefit from Colorism)

Chris had no shame when he sang the lyric, "I only want to fuck the black bitches with the nice hair." I'll save the comment about calling black women bitches for another day. Yes, Mr. Chris Brown should be ashamed of himself, but unfortunately colorism is a big problem in the aftrican-american community.  And since black women seem to be the only ones suffering from this problem, especially these days because black men find a way to benefit from these relationships with "other women" for example: Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. Well the Chris and Kanye's of the world remind me of a character in my book "High Profile".  "High Profile" is secure in how he looks and is more concerned about having a so-called trophy or "snow queen/ice princess" on his arm.The problem with "High Profile" is that the relationships he forms are all about access, and what he can get out of being seen or connected with the woman that he is dating. I agree with the YouTuber, "do not stress yourself out about the people, who don't want you. In 2019, we're not stressing out about these raggedy men". She is absolutely right, because they are raggedy if they cannot recognize the beauty in black women.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Black Women Share Their Challenges with Dating Black Men | Black Women OWN the Conversation | OWN

Sad to say this has been said many times before. In this discussion one black woman says that she doesn't always feel the love from black men in dating. She went on to say that "I don't feel like they're always checking for us. Another woman stated that within the entertainment industry, they have fetishized exotic-looking women or "mixed" women and that this has somehow spilled over into dating preferences. I wholeheartedly agree with both women and for this reason I think we have to respond to this. In the chapter, "Honeybrowne", I make the point that, Everyone is affected by what is shown in the media in terms of how they feel about beauty. But what is important is how we interpret that information and how it causes us to see ourselves. If we appraise ourselves through the media looking glass, then our beauty is defined by society. It is imperative that we define our own beauty

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Ask a Black Man: Episode 4 - Marriage

Well this was something to laugh at unfortunately, but I can't say that I'm surprised. It certainly does help explain why we have the low marriage rate in the aa community. Ok, the mentality of the woman is always pressuring a man to get married is one reason why we have a low marriage rate in the aa community. The woman should not be the only one bringing up nuptials. In my book, Why Every Black Woman Should Marry a Jewish Man, the chapter, Toads & Non-Prince Charmings, I explain about mind-set and how it affects the guy in the relationship. His mind-set will not only determine how he conducts himself, but also determines his ultimate goal of dating. Check out my book on Amazon,, please feel free to comment on my blog

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Monday, August 26, 2019

Do Black Women In Interracial Relationships Get More Criticism Than Black Men? Loni Love Thinks So

and so does Nazaree Hines-Starr!!

There has always been a double standard in our community when it comes to interracial dating. The black men can step out and nobody thinks twice about it, much less criticize them for doing it. They have in addition also engaged in it 2 to 3 times as much as black women, so I think its time for them to get off our backs!! its a double standard In my book there's a chapter, Hypocritical Haters and the main character claims that he doesn't care when black women date white men, but when he is confronted with interracial dating, he acts ignorant toward such couples with disgust written all over his face. He really nees to stop hating on the sistahs who decide to go the other way because he's pissed off that he let the best one get away. He has some nerve because he often dates whit women and other non-black females.....

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Only Ugly White Women Want Black Men?!!

Hey guys! had to comment on this post, the guy in this video is obviously hurt by comments or perhaps looks. We have all seen these kinds of mismatches and shook our heads and what he is saying is that it never occurs, which is puzzling to me on his part. In addition, the low self-esteem issues are often present in these situations. Look what people are referring to is when you see a mismatch! perhaps average bm with an unattractive white female. In my book, Why Every Black Woman Should Marry A Jewish Man, there's a chapter in my book, From Jungle Fever to Its a Wonderful Life where I talk about a character, Trailer Park Tony, this type of black man is usually dependent on the white woman for funds......and the white woman is often pleasantly plump, sloppy, uneducated and unattractive in general...... Mr. Tyrone Magnus has posted this because he feels that he just might be in that category, but let's be real these type of men are definitely out there!!

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Colorism is unfortunately affecting Marriage rates

I came across this article, Why dark-skinned black girls like me aren't getting married, I was saddened to see the researchers results that stated that “Black men will say, ‘complexion doesn’t matter’, but they might give that lighter complexion woman who is very comparable to a darker-complexion woman a chance, when they wouldn’t give that darker-skinned woman a chance.” I believe that this is one of the factors that often cause black women to feel that they are not pretty, not worthy of a great partner. It is also a reason why many settle for less in the dating world. Well no more! In my book, Why Every Black Woman Should Marry A Jewish Man, I wrote a chapter, Honeybrowne and its about embracing the skin you're in. One excerpt: Among women of color, the spectrum of complexion is vast but spectacular. There are so many fantastic shades of brown each of them unique and captivating. Some hues include chestnut browne, tan browne, coffee browne, caramel browne, chocolate browne, cinnamon browne....They are all some version of the delctable tint of HoneyBrowne!

Why dark-skinned black girls like me aren't getting married

Why dark-skinned black girls like me aren't getting married

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Six Reasons Why White Men and Black Women Marriages Last (Not PC 😳).

I just came across a fascinating article: Six Reasons Why White Men and Black Women Marriages Last (Not PC 😳).
She makes several excellent points especially about both people coming to the table with the attitude of not being a victim and wanting to be rescued. I also agreed that we can find our feminine side a bit easier in such relationships instead of having to do it all! Six Reasons Why White Men and Black Women Marriages Last (Not PC 😳)

Sunday, May 19, 2019

When did the word side chick become so prevalent in Black society?

In my book I have a chapter entitled, "The Chick On the Side" and in it I describe what drives some women to be satisfied with being number two. Why do you think this is becoming an increasingly phenomenon in the African-American community?

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Is this really about Women's Rights or is there an underlying issue?

These 25 Republicans – all white men – just voted to ban abortion in Alabama

The Gardian recently published this article about a new abortion ban in Alabama.

Is this really about Women's Rights or is there an underlying issue?

Sad but you guys know what this is really about? They said they can't build a nation with somebody else's children. The nation is browning and we already have the majority of school age children belong to a minority group. They want more white babies born period. Its a draconian method but that's it. Ladies hold on to your ovaries!

Read this article and tell me what you think!