Monday, August 20, 2018

Communication within an Interracial Relationship

Today I came across an article about how interracial discuss race. It can be a touchy topic, but one that must be tackled in order to have a healthy relationship. It's also worth noting that every couple is different and most importantly, we need to make sure that there is an understanding between the two individuals.

Here's the link:  

3 interracial couples opened up about how they discuss race in their relationships

Sunday, August 19, 2018

We Are The 15 Percent Article

Check out this article. It's great that 15 percent of new marriages are interracial, but that makes me wonder why the makers of Cheerios received such harsh backlash when they ran their blended family commercial. I'm especially pleased to hear of this bi-racial's couple to create a website in response to such backlash.  We are the 15 percent

Where We Fit In

I would like for my blog to become a place where blended families can share their stories and meet other families like themselves. As a mother of a bi-racial son and a Jewish man, we often find ourselves in situations where we stick out, but then sometimes we fit in just right.