the Freddie Gray incident and looting events in Baltimore, Maryland, I decided to
refocus my book as well as curtail some of its content. I also realized that the book had not evoked the
thoughtful conversation and possible changes that I hoped would occur. Taking those factors into account, I decided to
change some of the book’s subject matter.
My primary intention has always been to bring attention to the very low marriage
rates in our community as well as the deterioration of the family structure. Nearly, 70% of our children live in single-parent
households and they deserve better than that.
Baltimore and so many other inner cities are in crisis-mode because we have
not done what is best for the children. Maryland,
Baltimore, and the United States have clearly neglected its children in many ways.
The adults and communities have failed to provide the children with a nurturing
environment in which to grow and develop including giving them” high expectations”
as well as the tools to thrive in a competitive society. The city has failed to provide these children
with the much needed and deserved opportunities, resources, and infrastructure to
give them the best start possible. What is
needed are programs that focus on manhood as well as other major obstacles which
teens face.