Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ok, for all of the people out there bashing me and my book, WITHOUT reading it, take a look. The book is not a total criticism of all black men especially those over 50. There is clearly a generational gap with regards to manhood, but at the same time we have to ask ourselves why is our dating pool depleted with regards to a great number of men not being suitable mates.
My book;s chapter entitled Scumbag files and When Bad Dates happen to Good people are actuall past relationships and dates. I think that all women
know that scumbags come in any shape,size, or color. I love my community but I think that it is time we examine why our marriage rates are so low and why 70% of our children
are being raised in single-headed households. These rates are appalling, our babies derserve better than that. And we also need to stop blaming black women for these low marriage rates, it is clearly not all of our fault.
Yes, my book is controversial, but my heart is in the right place. I sincerely hope that this book sparks the conversation that we need to have. All the dysfunctional activities that we have in our community such as
gang violence, drug abuse, alcoholism, domestic violence, poverty etc. can all be improved if we start with each family. Some may say that I am criticizing single parents, I am not saying that a single parent cannot raise a happy, well adjusted child, but we need to start learning to coparent in the cases when the couple cannot stay together. As long as the child knows that they are not being abandoned they can flourish.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

I'm so sorry that you misunderstood my comment made on The Tom Joyner show about Scumbags. I sincerely would like our community to have a serious conversation about why we have such low marriage rates and why 70% of our children are being raised in a single-mother headed household. I am hoping that my book will spark a conversation that is greatly needed. The conversation has to go beyond just blaming black women for these low marriage rates. Many of the problems that we experience in our neighborhoods: drug abuse, gang violence, extreme poverty, low school enrollement, alcoholism, domestic violence, infant mortality, etc. are the result of having so many broken homes. It is my hope that we begin to rid ourselves of these problems and begin to create a nurturing enviroment for our children so that they have self-respect, self-love and dreams.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013

This book is a refreshing easy read containing loads of dating and relationship

advice sprinkled with bursts of humor.

Throughout the book there are several reasons given why Jewish men make

fantastic husbands and why Jewish men are very compatible with professional

African-American women as well as young thriving Caucasian females.

Overall, finding Mr. Right is not a one size fits all and involves a multi-prong

approach. One must date with quality in mind, be open to interracial dating,

observe good dating etiquette, be willing to try different

dating methods, address any personality issues that

may be acting as an obstacle to you interacting with Mr.

Right, and apply faith in dating must all be addressed

to find Prince Charming.

It is my wish that every woman that reads this book

finds her “Prince Charming” and every man learns how

to become “Prince Charming”